
Enemas have been around for a very long time and have even been cited in the bible.
There is a great number of studies around the detoxifying effects and benefits of coffee enemas, which also play a key part in the treatment of certain types of cancer. 
Coffee enemas are making a huge come back as people start to realize the health benefits of including enemas into their daily/weekly routines.
Coffee enemas are very powerful detoxifiers, due to the chemical properties of coffee that stimulates the liver to release Glutathione S transferase, a chemical well known to be the number one detoxifier in our bodies. 
Glutathione S transferase binds to toxins and the toxins are then released out of the body along with coffee.
Taking care of our bodies (including detoxifing them) on a regular basis  is more important than ever. In fact, the amount of toxins our bodies need to deal with everyday is increasing everyday due to man made products, food, water, the air we breathe, and our busy stressful lifestyles.
The good news is that even if you're sensitive to caffeine, it won't affect you taking your coffee this way.

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