Sunday, March 13, 2016

How to properly do a coffee enema

First off you will need to purchase an enema kit, you can buy a traveller's kit here or something a bit more robust such as the plastic bucket type kits (like this). You can traveller's kit as its easy to store and discreet for travelling or if you plan on doing more than one enema a day (if you wanna bring it at work for eg.). You can order these kits online here.

The next step is to buy some good quality coffee for enemas. Coffee bags come in different size and quality. If you are new to coffee enemas, you should try different brands in small size bags. I usually buy the 5lb since I do enemas regularly and so I can save a bit of money. I personally use this one or this one because they are ORGANIC, and you shouldn't really wanna put processed or chemically altered coffee in your body.

Grab a saucepan and put 2 tablespoons of organic coffee in the saucepan. Add 3 cups of FILTERED (even better if you let the water sit over night so that the chlorine will dissipate into the environment) water to the pot. 

Bring to the boil and let simmer for 15 minutes. Remove from heat after 15 minutes and let it cool. When it's body temperature (you can test this by placing a clean finger into the coffee, it will be neither hot or cold) strain through a nut milk bag into a clean glass pouring jar.

Head to the bathroom with your strained coffee and set up a space and something comfortable for you to lie down on. Hint: Be near a toilet and use an old towel as you sometimes may get slight coffee leakage. Grab a pillow and some reading material as you will be here for approximately 12 to 15 minutes.
Now assemble your enema kit. It must have a tube and nozzle attached to the bucket or bag. Make sure it's at least 3/4 feet above ground. (Hanging on a towel rail or shower rail is a good idea, and if it's too high you can use a cloth hanger to bring the bag or the bucket down).

There will an attachment near the nozzle that allows you to stop or start the flow of coffee once you have poured it into the bag or bucket. Ensure this is in the off position before pouring the coffee into the bag!

Once the coffee is in the bag or bucket hold tube and nozzle over sink or shower plug and turn it on and allow the coffee to run through the tube until there are no air bubbles. Stop the flow again once this is done.

Grab some coconut oil (you can buy it here) or Surgilube (you can buy it here) and apply to the nozzle for ease of insertion. Lie down on your towel on your right hand side with your knees drawn up.
Insert the nozzle till it's about 1 inch inside the rectum. Turn on the flow of coffee slowly until the bag or bucket is emptied.

Now you can either remain lying on your right side or lie on your back with your feet up above head level or feet resting against a wall above head level. You may hear some funny squirting noises from your tummy, this is a good sign and an indication of the bile being stimulated for release.

Try to retain the enema for 12 to 15 minutes. You may feel some strong urges to go to the toilet, especially the first few times you try this. Try to hold on for as long as you can, quite often the sensations pass. As you do them more regularly you will be able to retain for longer. 15 minutes max is all you need.

When you are ready to release head to the toilet and let it go.

You should feel a lot lighter in body and mind by now!

To keep your enema kit in tip-top shape clean with a mild detergent and ensure everything is dry before packing away.

Coffee enemas are very safe and are sometimes taken up to 6 times a day in chronically ill patients. 

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